Step 9: Review Your Debt Situation
Freedom from debt is an achievable goal for every family. The first step in regaining control is to take an honest look at your existing obligations.
Freedom from debt is an achievable goal for every family. The first step in regaining control is to take an honest look at your existing obligations.
Your credit reports can provide a snapshot of your overall financial situation. Reviewing your credit reports for accuracy can also help you to identify errors or fraudulent activity. Fortunately, it is easier than ever to obtain copies of your reports. The FACT Act gives every consumer the right to a free credit report every year from each of the three major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
While all members should be aware of the family’s or business’ overall financial situation, choosing one person to conduct the day-to-day financial tasks is a good way to stay on top of things. The appointed individual should be organized and a good communicator. They should be given uninterrupted time to do their tasks effectively.
You may be anxious to get started, but it is hard to get motivated when you are knee-deep in paperwork. Getting your financial house organized is a great way to begin on your path toward financial wellness. But before you bulldoze that pile, you should know that some things are worth hanging on to. The key is to know what keep and what to toss.
How are you doing financially? What are your strengths? What are your areas of improvement? This is a great opportunity to be honest about your relationship with money. Write down your feelings and findings.