
The McMillan Companies was started and is headquartered in Baltimore. This is the office of our senior management. Baltimore used to be an industrial city. Now the city is a place where companies look to find an educated workforce to including the new and startup entities.

828A East Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202
410-775-6226 p
877-384-5542 f

Atlanta has so many minority media and entertainment companies and entrepreneurs it’s been nicknamed “Black Hollywood”. McMillan Consulting started working with companies there in 2007. We opened an office there in 2010. Although our roots are in Baltimore, Atlanta has the potential to challenge the HQ for the most revenue and clients in a few years.

400 Colony Square
1201 Peachtree St
Atlanta, GA 30361
404-635-6226 p
877-384-5542 f

Washington is a power city. The shakers and movers are there or visit to connect. Washington is a great place to network with politicians and some of the most influential nonprofits, PACs, and foundations in the country.

1629 K St, NW
Washington, DC 20006
202-642-4487 p
877-384-5542 f