The staff of McMillan Consulting realizes that in today’s climate theres a huge need for tax information. This is especially true for micro businesses (businesses with less than 10 employees and $1M in revenue) and entities and individuals who itemize.
This site was created to help micro entities and those who itemize find tax content relevant to them. Larger entities and high net worth individuals have many resources ready to provide them with info on the constant change that is taxation.
McMillan Consulting provides tax preparation and consulting for various types of businesses, nonprofits and other entities. McMillan Financial Services provides services for individuals who may not have a business or other entity but have a complex tax situation.
Please realize this is a new (published Oct 2018) site and it will grow as time develops. The content will initially focus on industries and areas that effect most of our clients. Eventually we’d like to publish content for all micro entities in all areas.
Tax Glossary